Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kid-Cation, Part 4

It’s finally coming to an end. The Kid-cation was lots of fun, but it had to end sometime.

Tuesday night, I got to spend some time with friends, eating dinner and doing a little shopping. It was so fun to see those girls and get to catch up on them and their sweet families. But honestly, with blogs, Twitter, and Facebook, we were able to sit down to dinner and just talk like we’d seen each other last week instead of months ago. I love technology.

Wednesday, we got to play all day. Honor and I visited with friends while Mom and Caedmon went to Curly’s so the boys could play together.

That afternoon, Caedmon got to play with an awesome toy NLB gave him: Max Steel with a parachute.

If you don’t know who Max Steel is, think an edgier GI Joe. With speedos and 6-pack abs.

Also, Honor would hold him and say, “Daddy!”

Anyway, Caedmon and his buddy Levi got to spend some great time together.


They had even more fun with Max.


Honor reeeealllly wanted to come outside.


Not to be outdone, HLB pulled out some of his old Star Wars Micro Machines for Caedmon to play with. The boy was in heaven.




And Honor finally discovered the rocking horse. It’s a good thing she didn’t find this thing until the day before we left. We wouldn’t have been able to keep her off of it!


And her Aunt Trump would be very proud of how she kick-kick-kicked that pony. It would definitely get up and go!


That’s about it. Finally, huh? We had a blast on our trip. And I’m grateful to everyone who helped make it happen. We didn’t get to see everyone or do everything we wanted, but that always leaves more for next time, right?


  1. Is that Levi Easley??? How do you know them???

    1. Yes! They are my parents' neighbors and might as well be part of our family. We love them to pieces and the kids are always so sweet to play with Caedmon when we are there.
