Wednesday, May 23, 2012

“That Works For Me!”

Quite a while back, I stumbled upon Works For Me Wednesday when it was hosted by Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer. She passed the torch onto Kristen at We Are THAT Family, and it’s continued to grow. What I love about Works For Me Wednesday is that it’s real tips from real people. Things that actually work for them.

I’ve participated in the link-up quite a bit, and was ecstatic to find out that some of my tips were being featured in a new ebook with tons of tips – all categorized and organized so they’re easy to find and use! Kristen and Jennifer sent me a copy of "That Works for Me!", and y’all, I love it.

You can find so many useful tips for all sorts of things –babies & kids, cleaning, travel, gardening, homeschooling, you name it. As if the awesome tips weren’t enough, a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of “That Works for Me!” are going to support Mercy House Kenya, a ministry that reaches out to young girls who are faced with the possibility of backstreet abortions after being forced into prostitution.

Whew. That’s a mouthful. And a heart-breaking reality.

So, by purchasing a book that helps you, you’re also helping girls half a world away. It’s a win-win.

If you’d like to purchase the “That Works for Me!”, click here or on the link below and go for it!


(This post contains affiliate links.)

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