Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother’s Day Weekend Recap

I decided not to worry about writing a blog post on Sunday night because I’d have a chance to write one yesterday morning. And then yesterday happened. And a blog post did not.

As per our usual tradition, we did most of our Mother’s Day celebration on Saturday. But first, we wished Uncle HLB a happy birthday and Aunt Trump a happy (college) graduation day.

The guys went out to do a little shopping, and Honor and I did, too. I finally got an outfit for her 1 year photos. I know y’all were concerned about that. You’ll be glad to know that I found a super cute outfit and it was the last one in her size within about a million miles of here. Well, not exactly, but after all the searching I did to find it, it felt that way.

While Honor and I came home with clothes, the boys came home with Mother’s Day goodies. Caedmon picked out chocolate-covered strawberries for me. Husband tried to talk him into something different, but Caedmon was adamant that he wanted to get me the strawberries. And he made a good choice. They were yummy!


My strawberries came with a gift certificate to a spa, which will be thoroughly enjoyed and is much appreciated. I do like the idea of a special day to celebrate Moms, but the rewards of being a Mom could never fit into one day. It’s nice to try, though.

After naptime, we headed to Eli’s birthday party, where the kids got to be rock stars. I think you can tell that Caedmon enjoyed himself.



He’s still talking about playing the real drums.

Honor got busy on the mic, too.

mic baby

Sunday, I think we were all thinking we’d have a relaxing afternoon. Well, Husband and I were thinking that. I have no idea what the kids were thinking, but I’m pretty sure things didn’t turn out the way any of us were hoping. By the time we got home from church, Caedmon had a fever and wasn’t feeling well. Knowing what the week held, and knowing that I’d have to take him to the doctor on Monday, I left the kids with Husband and went to get groceries. On Sunday. Mother’s Day Sunday. In the rain.

Yeah, it was as glamorous as it sounds.

Also? Honor was in the “I’m not happy if you’re not holding me” zone and took a nap that was way too short for her attitude. It was wonderful all around.

Husband had already planned to take me out to dinner, but with a sick boy, our options were limited. That was ok though, because I was all about some pizza. And not just any pizza. This one. With, you know, vegetables on it and everything.


It was good.

All week, I’d planned on making the Gooey Chocolate Skillet Cake my friend Angela tweeted about. And even though the day had been not perfect and not exactly what I had planned, it was ok. Because sometimes that’s what Motherhood is all about. That, and being able to make a chocolate cake just because you can. And homemade ice cream.

It was sooo good.



We enjoyed our chocolate cake with homemade ice cream and caramel sauce, then watched The Celebrity Apprentice. It was a good end to the day.

And then Monday came.

Caedmon still had fever and ick. We went to see Dr. D, where she swabbed his throat and gave him the prescription of lots of fluids, rest, and a movie day. Or two or three. On the way home, he asked if he could watch a movie before lunchtime (because I usually don’t let him), and if I would make popcorn for him. I told him he could, and I would. I also asked him if he was glad Dr. D had told him to watch a movie, and he replied, “Yes! And I always do what the doctor tells me to.”

Good to know.

Too bad she didn’t specifically tell him to take a nap, because he completely skipped that yesterday. Even after telling me how tired he was, especially if I had the nerve to suggest that he do, you know, anything.

Honor was happy for a while, then was replaced by the baby who needs to be held constantly. I don’t know where that baby comes from, but she’s not welcome here. I need my happy baby back.

To kill time late in the afternoon, I put Honor in the bath tub. I figured my little water baby would enjoy herself a bit and, if nothing else, I could put her down without her yelling at me. And she did enjoy herself. Until she pooped in the tub. Yeah. She began screaming again – mainly because she didn’t want to get out of the water.

So while I cleaned the tub and Honor watched from behind the gate in her room like a little caged animal, Caedmon had a meltdown because he couldn’t get his Spiderman action figure to stand on its own.

It was at that point that I made a plan to finish off the last of that chocolate cake. All by myself.

I also had the thought, “This is really what motherhood is all about.” Not in a bad way, though. The Hallmark commercials (and even the Olympics commercials that are playing now) would have you believe that while you may get up at dark-thirty to take your kid to some sort of practice or have your living room used as a gym, Moms still look (and feel) put-together and don’t have dark circles under their eyes or sometimes think the grocery trip they just had with the kids might push them over the edge of insanity and could certainly get them banned from public places.

Motherhood is dirty, tiring, unglamorous, and the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.

There was a time in my life that I wondered if I’d ever get to be a Mom. My heart aches for women who are wondering the same thing right now, especially when we have a day to celebrate what they long for. For one reason or other, God’s plan for motherhood is different and harder fought for some. I don’t know why.

I just know that even when I am in the midst of cleaning a poopy tub, being screamed at by a little person who’s angry about being locked in her room, and listening to a non-standing action figure meltdown, life is good.

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