Friday, May 04, 2012

Apple Pie Crockpot Oatmeal

I’ve been seeing recipes all over the place for crockpot oatmeal. I am not a huge fan of oatmeal. I mean, I like it ok, but it’s not my favorite thing. And I never make it “right” (the instant packages, I just add hot water until I get the consistency I want. I never cook it.). I don’t like mushy, sloppy stuff. I am not a Big Brother contestant, for crying out loud. But after hearing about steel cut oats, I had to give it a try.

I talked to Husband and he said he’d be up for trying Apple Pie Crockpot Oatmeal. So I gave it a shot. I started with the recipe I found here and altered it a little bit.

(Taking pictures of oatmeal isn’t all that appealing. But here it is anyway.)


I put it in the crockpot after lunch and let it cook all afternoon. It smelled divine.

So divine, in fact, that I decided to make some pie crust pieces to go with it. Because that’s healthy, right?


(Yes, The Pioneer Woman’s pie crust. It’s awesome.)

And maybe I sprinkled some cinnamon and sugar on some of the pieces.



The guys added some brown sugar to their oatmeal. Honor and I ate ours without extra sugar. If you want your oatmeal to stay super healthy, I’d suggest not adding sugar when you cook it. Or making pie crust to sprinkle on top. But if you want it to be good and kinda healthy, you might want to add that stuff.


C’mon. You know you want some!

Apple Pie Crockpot Oatmeal

1 cup steel cut oats

3 diced apples (I used Gala this time, but next time I’ll try Granny Smith)

1 cup apple juice

3 cups water

1/2 tsp cinnamon (next time I’ll add more)

dash of nutmeg

2 Tbsp butter

If you want your oatmeal to be sweeter, add 1/4-1/2 cup sugar, depending on how sweet you want it. Or you can sweeten each serving individually to taste.

Combine all ingredients in crockpot and cook for 2-4 hours on high or 4-6 hours on low until it reaches the preferred consistency. Stir every hour.

Add an extra cup of water if you’d like to cook 7-8 hours overnight.

You’ll have to make sure you use steel cut oats if you want to use the crockpot. If you want to use regular oatmeal, you’ll have to use the stovetop method.


  1. The oatmeal looks yummy! I may have to try that! Thanks! Came over from Kelly's Korner- I am in Atlanta also. I have 2 little boys- 3.5 yrs. and 23 mos. I'm looking forward to taking a look around your blog! nTalk to you soon!

  2. Melissa,

    I am making a new friend from "Kelly's Korner". You caight my eyes because we have the same name and location! I love your blog, and your children are beautiful! I look forward to reading more!


  3. I bought all of the stuff to make this like a month ago and I STILL haven't made it. Of course, now I have to get fresh apples. It sounds so good though!
