Friday, May 27, 2011

Sibling Love

Caedmon has made up a nickname for Honor. Ugh. I love it and hate it at the same time. We’re not nickname people.

I know. Just go ahead and stamp “hypocrite” on my forehead. Everyone on my blog has a nickname. But that was done for privacy’s sake, not because we love the nicknames. I know, excuses. But in real life? We call people by their names. Their real names. Unless their nickname is their real name. You know what I mean.

Anyway, Caedmon started calling Honor by his little nickname the other day. And he truly uses it as a term of endearment, so I guess I’ll let it stand. I just hope it doesn’t morph into 72 nicknames or some sort of meanness. Because that I could not handle.

Caedmon came to me the other day and said he thought Honor needed to wear a “band head.” Or headband, if you will. So he chose one and we put it on her. He loved it.

He was so excited and wanted to hold her and have their picture taken with it on.


She put up with it for a while, and we took it off at naptime.


I love to see this boy lovin’ on his little sister!


He gets aggravated because he wants her to give him a kiss. And if we try, she either tries to eat his face or doesn’t respond at all. I’m trying to explain that she doesn’t understand how to give kisses yet, but she still loves to get them. I can’t wait to see his response when she learns to give those open-mouth-lick-your-face kisses!


  1. What's the nickname?

  2. Whats the nickname??

  3. It will not be long before he will be crying about her give him too many kisses! And wet ones! So cute! I love her purple bow;)
