Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Coming Home

We spent most of our day Tuesday hanging out at the hospital waiting for doctors and paperwork and signatures…real exciting stuff. We’re now home and getting settled in. Here are a few pictures from our day.

This one is actually from late Monday night. Honor and I had a bit of girl time after the guys headed home to bed. She was alert for a little while and I finally got a few pictures of her with her eyes open. After she got drowsy, she went off to the nursery and I slept for the first time since Saturday.


After the guys arrived back at the hospital Tuesday morning, Caedmon wanted to help burp Honor. He did a great job.


I dressed Honor in her going-home outfit, making her extremely mad in the process.


The hat was ridiculously big, so we ditched it in favor of…a bow. Seriously.


Caedmon loves Honor.


Caedmon picked out Honor’s coming-home blanket, too.


All my bow-lovin’ people need not get too excited just yet. Husband brought the bows up to the hospital of his own accord, but the bow-wearing didn’t last long. In keeping with our family history of tiny heads, Honor’s head isn’t big enough to keep headbands on just yet. It went back in the bag after pictures.

I can, however, proudly say that Honor has made her first Sonic Happy Hour run. We were able to catch the tail end on our way home from the hospital this afternoon. She started crying while we were in the drive-thru, and I had to take the time to teach her that we were in a happy place. It’s never too early to start important things like that.


  1. She is beautiful! Congrats!!!

  2. What a sweetie! So happy you are home and enjoying your little family!

  3. Love that sweet little bow! Brayden loved/loves to burp Brody too - I think it's a great way to make the older sibling feel included!

  4. You can never be too young for Sonic Happy Hour! She is just precious and look look a.mazing, too!I just want to hold her and love on her!

  5. She is gorgeous. Congrats again, guys.
