Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Is it still called a “Babymoon” if you take your three year-old? We did. And that’s still what I’m calling it.

We got out of town for a few days and had some fun with Caedmon before Little Sister arrives and turns our world upside down. (Plus, with all the stuff we have to take when we travel, I have no idea how we’re going to go anywhere with two kids, at least for a while!)

We went to an “indoor water park.” I use that term loosely. But he had fun, and that was our goal.



Yes, I played in the water too. At 32 1/2 weeks pregnant, I donned a bathing suit (non-maternity because I wasn’t about to buy a new suit just for this one trip) and played in the water some too. I probably looked a bit ridiculous (Husband has a photo on his phone. I might show it to you.) But I mentioned to Husband later that I think I looked better in a bathing suit with my big pregnant belly than a few people who were there and did not have a pregnant belly. Not judging. Just felt pretty dang good about myself for a few minutes. And then it was over.

After the water park, we made a late-night stop at Krispy Kreme for a donut with sprinkles. Because that’s the kind of thing you do on “ba-ca-shun.”


Monday morning, we hit the outlet mall. The guys were not thrilled, but they were troopers. We didn’t make it to all the regular places we go when we’re there, but with the damage we did at the Carter’s store, it’s probably a good thing. The good news is that I found something for Baby Sister to wear home from the hospital and a few newborn-size things, which seem to be hard to find around here. Again, the level of cuteness in girls’ clothing is astonishing after shopping for all things blue and trying not to buy 17 shirts with trucks on them.

Caedmon was over the shopping, though.


And by this time, he was hungry and a bit whiny. (I discovered later he had a low-grade fever. Stupid recurring ear infection.)

After some Phineas and Ferb gummies to refuel, we made our way to Build-A-Bear so he could make something for Baby Sister. I really wanted the long-eared bunny, but he chose a teddy bear. And named her Coconut.



We also went to Ride Makerz. It’s like Build-A-Bear for cars and trucks. He. loved. it.

It took forever for him to decide what he wanted to build. There were a LOT of choices! But he finally settled on a blue Dodge truck.


Then, we chose wheels, tires, and sounds (no extra sounds for us, thankyouverymuch) and got ready to put everything together.


My boy…the serious one even when he’s having fun.



After it was put together, Daddy helped Caedmon trick his truck. (I think Daddy was more interested in adding accessories than Caedmon was. All he wanted was a set of orange cones and a light bar.)


Caedmon sat in the floor and played with the truck. When we got ready to go, he freaked out a little bit because he thought he had to leave his truck there, poor guy! Once we convinced him that we got to take it with us, he was happy to check out and go home.


Well, not home, per se. We went back to the “ba-ca-shun house.” If you hadn’t noticed yet, Caedmon is very literal. And when we would say we were going “home” from shopping, etc. he thought it meant we were driving all the way home. He would clarify each and every time – “You mean to our ba-ca-shun house?”

Yes, to the “vacation house.”

But not before we stopped by the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. You should’ve seen Caedmon’s eyes when we told him we were going into a “chocolate store.” They were almost as big as mine. Taking a three year-old and a pregnant woman into a “chocolate store” and asking them to choose is cruel and unusual punishment. I wanted some of everything. And Caedmon wanted everything that didn’t have nuts in it. But he ended up with the white chocolate/sprinkles-covered marshmallows and a chocolate-covered graham cracker. Husband was disciplined and just smelled the yumminess. I got a “Black & White” Rice Krispy Treat and a Snickers-covered caramel apple.

And yes, I ate the apple for dinner. Hey, it’s fruit.

We had plans to go to the movies and do a few other fun things, but by the time we got back to the “vacation house”, Caedmon was feeling really lousy and had a fever. He’d been complaining about his ear, so I knew the ear infection was back. So we napped. And decided to get a Redbox movie and stay in for the evening. It was a good choice. We had fun and I think we all needed the rest.

Yesterday we got up and came home. And cleaned up our mess. And went to the doctor. And picked up Oz from the kennel. And just chilled.

It was a good “ba-ca-shun” and we made some fun memories. I do wish Caedmon hadn’t felt bad half of the time. There are just some things you can’t predict or do anything about, and so you have to roll with it and do the best you can. Thus is life. Especially life with kids. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


  1. if u want to feel good about yourself,go to a county fair

  2. First, I laughed out loud at the comment about the county fair. Sad, but so very true!

    Second, thanks for the ideas! We are doing a family fun day on Saturday and I was trying to find something to do and I think build a bear would be fun. I wish we had a Ride Makerz around here but I checked and, nope!! Love the chocoloate store too - my 2 year old loves anything with sprinkles . . .I might have to check that out too! Again, thanks for the inspiration and I love reading your blog - you write like I think so it always makes me smile :-)

  3. Looks like you had a great time on your babymoon :) We went down to the beach for was nice to do nothing and just relax.

  4. Sounds like a fun weekend! It's always great to get away & have some family time. Love the Build a Bear gift idea, will have to keep that in mind when our new little one arrives this fall! Although if Scott knew about Ride Makerz he'd want to take Carys there!

  5. It looks like you guys had a great time!! Such a fun trip before your little girl gets here!

  6. Just wanted to let you know that I referanced your blog in my post today - thanks for giving me the inspiration in your post for some ideas. We didn't end up making it to build-a-bear because we ran out of time but the chocolate idea was a huge hit!
