Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Lots of Love for NLB

**I set this to auto-publish, not knowing if we would have power at home this morning to do it myself. Last night when I went to bed, we were expecting by now to be in the midst of what everyone around here is lovingly referring to as “Snowpocalypse ‘11.” My motto is this: “Ice isn’t nice.” We’re just hoping that we get less ice and more snow because not only would that be more fun, it would mean a lot fewer power outages for everyone involved.**

As we prepare for NLB to head to the Sand Box, we decided one last big family dinner was the way to go. Everybody was able to make it, thus the reason Mom & Dad’s yard looked like a used car lot on Sunday.


Yes, there are 12 vehicles. Just think what it would look like if we invited extended family and not just “us”!

We all hung out until lunch was ready.

Dad and Grade A discussing deep things with Papa…like fishing.


Deputy Guy was trying to watch something on TV. Quite a feat with that bunch.


Fidget (who is home from military school…for a while, anyway) deeply involved in a text.


Mom, cookin’ in the kitchen with Mimi taking her photo. NLB was having a meaningful convo with Curly.


Trump took the little guys outside for a bit.


And there had to be some goofiness.


And wrestling.




And eating.






And somehow, Mom was still in the kitchen. Don’t worry. She did eventually sit down and eat.


But then came the most painful thing of all. Pictures. Where we all had to stand still. And be nice. And pretend to like each other and stuff.

Trump wasn’t too keen on being lined up on the front row with the preggo girls.

(Fidget, NLB, HLB, Squirt; Trump, Curly and me)


Mom was trying to direct traffic.


Just for a brief second, we were all there (minus Cousin Q – he was napping).

(Back: NLB, Grade A, Deputy Guy, Husband, HLB, Fidget. Front: Trump, Curly, me, Caedmon, and Squirt)


And then we added more people. This is as good as it got.

(Everybody plus Mimi and Papa Sam, Mom and Dad)


Those of us who remained after all the picture-taking torture put the little guys down for naps and played cards. And ate more. It’s what we do.

We’ll miss you, little brother. Be careful over there and give those who participate in malfeasance for malfeasance’s sake a whoopin’. Stay safe and come home to us, preferably all in one piece. I will hold up my end of the bargain by praying daily for your safety and sending cookies (not daily). Caedmon will miss his wrestling buddy. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun things to teach him when you get home and your niece will be old enough to give you some slobbery smiles.

Most of all, remember who you are, where you come from, to Whom you belong, and that we love you!


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