Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend Recap


Playgroup at Chuck E Cheese. It was so good to let the kids play inside on a cold day! But, I’m going to have to address the extremely loud and inappropriate music (Katy Perry? Really?) next time we go.




Husband and I had plans that ended up being canceled, but we still took advantage of Friday Night Out and took Caedmon to play. Even though I worked on taxes, I thoroughly enjoyed one of these:

Red Velvet Blast

Thanks to all of you who emailed and Tweeted me about these precious ice cream treats currently at Sonic. It’s a good thing they’re a seasonal item or I’d be in BIG trouble! That’s not to say that I won’t be going back for another one very soon.


My guys let me sleep in, then Caedmon and I watched some Looney Tunes. He loved them.


Husband downloaded some sort of fart app on his phone, and that provided endless minutes of entertainment. Sadly, for all of us.

I made a grocery list and we all went to the store. Together. Because that’s what you do in the south when the forecast calls for the “s” word: snow. Plus, Monday is my normal grocery day and as cold and nasty as it’s supposed to be today, there’s no way I wanted to get out.

Husband rented Just Dance for Kids for the Wii and we tried to get Caedmon to play it. But it was right after he got up from his nap and I think he was suffering from a little nap hangover. He ended up playing Chicken Shoot instead. The boy loves shooting him some chickens. Wii style, of course.


And the rest of the night was more Looney Tunes and football and a boy who enjoys taking forever-long showers so he can wash his Hot Wheels with soap. Because they somehow get extremely dirty, apparently.


Church, naps, train tracks and some sort of spaceship movie.

But in between all of that somewhere, I realized that Caedmon does not have any gloves that fit. So I thought I’d run and get him a pair in case it does actually snow. (Since he hasn’t had any fever, I’m kinda doubting we get much of anything. My little weather predictor has been pretty accurate lately.)

Anyway. I stopped at Old Navy first because I remembered some nice fleece glove/hat combos. Gone. So then I went to Target since I didn’t want to fight the pre-snow crowd at Walmart. I found one single solitary pair that will fit him. And they’re the knit $1 kind that will be soaking wet approximately 5 seconds after he steps out into the snow. Fine for wearing when we go shopping, etc. but not playing in the snow. I thought about trying The Children’s Place at the mall, but by that time I was weary of the whole thing and my boys were missing me. So I went home with the one little pair of crappy $1 gloves.

Seriously. It’s January, ya’ll. It’s nice that the stores are preparing for swimsuit season by having them on the racks at the front of the store. But in case they hadn’t noticed, it was about 28 degrees yesterday. Nobody’s going to be buying flip flops and swimsuits for a little while. Bring back the gloves and hats, please.

Today is going to be spent on chores and laundry and some fun things like that. We have a busy week ahead (barring any snow days) and I’m enjoying getting to spend today catching up and maybe getting ahead.


  1. That is one of my biggest pet peeves too! I hate it when stores put out the spring stuff in January. Spring isn't really here until April-ish and I don't want to buy a spring shirt and have to wait MONTHS to wear it! Plus winter is not my favorite season so seeing spring clothing usually gives me false hope that spring is know, like the stores have some sort of magical weather predicting ability! :)

  2. How fun! Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Oh, and if you haven't tried the Peppermint Chocolate Chip shake from Chick-fil-A you are missing out. It is heavenly, but make sure you like peppermint. And your right, Thank God these are seasonal. ;)

  3. We were busy preparing for the snow in SC too. It is amazing how once Christmas is over the stores move on to spring. CRAZY! :) Lana
