Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Thoughts of Randomness

1. Caedmon has a dentist appointment today. It will not be his first time. I’m a little paranoid about dental accidents since I had one a few years ago, and since the dentist we used to see doesn’t see kids, I got him established at a pediatric dentist when he turned one. I’m sure we’ll return home with a new toothbrush and some fun little trinkets.

2. I will most likely take Caedmon to get a “smoofie” right after his appointment, since that seems to be his most favorite treat in the world at the moment. That’s right - pile on that sugar and fruit acid after just leaving the dentist.

3. Caedmon has gotten into this “I need to tell you something” habit after he goes to bed and it drives me just a little bit nuts. Mainly because by the time I get in there, he’s totally forgotten what it was that was so urgent just 7.4 seconds ago.

4. I made BBQ chicken legs for dinner last night. We don’t eat a lot of chicken legs around here, but Caedmon got a drumstick in his plastic “food” at Christmas, and he’s been asking for them. He got to help me put salt & pepper on them and thought that was the greatest thing in the world. And? He ate dinner like a champ (that’s always been a difficult meal for us, and I have no idea why). I will fix chicken legs every single night if that’s what it takes.

However. The “recipe” I got from a trusted website was terrible. I don’t think you’re supposed to cook chicken legs at 550 degrees, but that’s what it said to do. And? It made a terrible mess in the oven because the oil in the pan was basically trying to catch on fire. So, just an FYI, if you find a recipe for chicken legs that says to cook them at 550, please don’t.

5. I have managed to contract yet another snot-related illness of some sort. It’s not terrible, just one of those annoying things that makes you stuffy and cough a lot. I’m so thankful that Dr. P gave me some good cough medicine that also helps me sleep. Because if I can sleep, I can take on the world. No sleep = no good. For anybody.

6. I desperately want to get into Caedmon’s room and organize all his new toys. But he’s getting some new (to us) furniture soon and I really need to wait until then. But I’m going to tackle his closet tomorrow to make myself feel better about life. It’s time to start moving some too-small clothes out and things like that. Maybe that’ll help me keep from twitching every time I go in there. At least for a few weeks until we get his furniture.

Also? Some of the 3,872 stuffed animals he has and never plays with might be missing when I’m done. And I’m pretty sure they won’t be heard from again.

Yes, I am a terrible mother.

7. I really am going to post that pie recipe I talked about the other day and the Chicken Pot Pie recipe I’ve had some requests for. Soon. I might even make that pie again before I post it. It’s quite tempting. But it was so good, I’d probably eat most of it myself. And that would definitely not be good.

8. Has anyone else been thinking about the dreaded word I’m about to say…taxes? Ugh. I’ve got to get started adding up our expenses and deductions and all the weird tax-related stuff so when it’s time, I’ll be ready. I just don’t want to. Am I the only one who experiences this sense of dread at this time of the year? Surely this whole process could be simpler. To execute and understand.

9. I will close with one final thought…Woo Pig Sooie! Yes, I realize we lost. And we could've played much better. But I'm still proud of our guys for making it there. You can't win them all.

1 comment:

  1. Now you know what I experienced when I walked into your bedroom when you were a child. I just didn't handle it as graciously as you do...of course there was stuff from several kids...not just one. And. Just so you know. You probably got the "terrible mother" gene from me!
