Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow Cream

The last part of our week was consumed with s.n.o.w! We woke up on Thursday to a winter wonderland and watched the flakes fall for most of the day. It also meant there was no KDO and Caedmon and I had to stay home. But we made do.

Actually, we made snow cream.

There are lots of recipe variations. But I use the lazy simple one.

One can of Sweetened, Condensed Milk. And snow.

Usually my “technique” consists of dumping the milk in a bowl… (I usually refrigerate it. It helps me feel better about not melting the snow too much during the process. If it actually makes a difference to the “recipe”, I have no idea.)


…then adding (clean!) snow until it reaches the consistency I like. (I try to put out a couple of large plastic containers and let the snow fall directly into them. That way I don’t have to try to “pick up” snow that’s clean and pretty. It’s come straight from the heavens.)


It usually looks something like this when we’re finished.


Or this.


And then this.



I’ll go ahead and confess: this is what we had for lunch. It’s not every day you get to have a snow day. Or snow cream. Or snow cream with homemade chocolate chip cookies (which is what we had for dessert after dinner that night).

The snow? It gets old after a while. Snow cream never seems to.

1 comment:

  1. I am just hoping for one more snow this winter in SC so we can make some snow cream. It was on our to-do list last time, but I didn't put out my container and by the next morning it was all frozen. Go figure! Sounds like you all had a great end to the week. :) Lana
