Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Gym

The other night when we went to eat at MAD Pizza, we drove by The Little Gym. Caedmon yelled, “I want to go play there!” It’s a good thing we were already planning on going to Brayden’s birthday party on Saturday!


The parachute is so much fun!


Here are Brody, Trenton and Caedmon waiting for the bouncy thing to blow up.


The boys loved this bouncy thing. Brayden even went to turn it back on as the girls were deflating it and getting ready to put it away.


Someone mentioned cupcakes, and the kids abandoned us and went to sit down before the adults could gather ourselves up and get into the party room!


Those Yo Gabba Gabba cupcakes were gooood! Caedmon and Stella enjoyed them.



Caedmon and Trenton abandoned the party at one point and played with the toys.


This is our attempt at a group photo. Brayden, the birthday boy, was not happy. I think we lost Lilly and Reid before this shot. Caedmon and Trenton weren’t willing to give up their trucks. And Brody, Stella and Cilla were checking things out.


We had a great time and wish Brayden many more happy birthdays!


  1. look at your cute little baby bump in the mirror. We need more belly shots! :-)

  2. I'm so glad you took pictures! I love that Trenton looks like he is taking a nap waiting for the bouncy thing to blow-up!
