Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome The Silver Sled

Thursday was a big day for us. The Silver Sled joined our family and took its rightful place in the garage.


It’s a 2006 Ford Taurus. Husband is stylin’ now, for sure. But we were fortunate to find this vehicle with low mileage, leather and a sun roof (which is Caedmon’s favorite part). And we were able to buy it from a friend. God had this car picked out for us all along. It had literally just come into the dealership – they hadn’t even had time to clean it yet (and it was still cleaner than our Xterra).

It feels enormous. Actually, it’s the same size as the Blue Bomb from nose to tail, but it feels so much bigger. I told Husband last night that I feel like I’m riding in Meemom’s old Grand Marquis. You know…a boat with wheels. It really isn’t that big – it just seems that way. I hope that it’s a good car for us for a long, long time. We had the Blue Bomb for about 11 years. We’ll probably keep the Silver Sled that long, too.

So after over a month of one car, life moves back to normal. Or as close to normal as we ever get. It was strange (but nice!) on Friday, not having to coordinate my trip to Target with Husband’s appointment and errands.

Saturday was pretty lazy for us. We watched the Arkansas/Alabama game. Caedmon and Snoopy watched some cartoons.


We also had a 3-year-old mishap. Caedmon has snacks on the bottom shelf of the pantry that he can get for himself when he has permission. (I’m all about fostering independence.) However, this time, he was determined to find some marshmallows. That did not exist. Because he’d previously eaten the last of them. And we’d discussed the lack of marshmallows in our home at least twice. He didn’t believe they were gone and decided to look for them himself. Which resulted in this:


That’s powdered sugar. It was on the next-to-top shelf (where the marshmallows are also kept when we have some). He drug off a basket and somehow busted open a brand new bag of powdered sugar. So pretty much everything he drug off and everything under it had powdered sugar on it.

Oh yes…he fell. He cried. He’s fine. I don’t think he’ll be scaling the pantry shelves again any time soon.

But yesterday? He was asking for marshmallows again.

He’s nothing if not persistent.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Silver Sled! :)

    Caedmon is so cute - too funny about his obsession with marshmallows. Aren't young kids the best?!
