Friday, August 13, 2010

Our Week

To say our week has been weird and challenging wouldn’t even come close to describing it. So I’m going to put some words together into cohesive sentences and try.

Monday, I awoke to a house that was still a wreck from the weekend. But as we were in desperate need of groceries, I decided I didn’t care that the house was junky and loaded the boy into the car. We had to stop by the tire place before we went to the grocery store because one of our tires was low. As in fix-me-now-or-you’ll-be-sorry low.

Don’t get me wrong. There’s so much about this tire place that I appreciate. They are honest and have always been good to us. But I can promise you that every time I go there and have to wait on my car, the slowest mechanic on the face of the earth is the one who is assigned to us. And you know what? I think he knows he’s slow. And he likes it.

So after waiting 30 minutes for our tire to be repaired, and getting in my car to find man-sweat on my seat, we headed to the grocery store. Caedmon was a little upset because our regular greeter was on vacation. The nerve of some people. Anyway, we loaded up our cart and ended up back at home just in time for Caedmon to nearly wither away because it’d been a whole hour and a half since he’d eaten and he was in desperate need of a corn dog.

And before you get all huffy about what I feed my child, corn dogs are not a diet staple at our house, but more of a special he-saw-them-in-the-freezer-case-and-I’d-stupidly-asked-what-he-wanted kind of item.

There was some cleaning. And some laundry. Things that make you love Monday afternoons.

And then I thought we were going to have to go pick Husband up from work because he couldn’t get the Blue Bomb into gear. That tranny is sputtering and we are working it for everything its got. It’s almost like we can hear Mr. Scott in there giving her 110% and waiting for something else to blow up in the process. Because that’s probably what will end up happening. Especially if Husband is driving. You did read yesterday’s post, right?

Tuesday morning was Husband’s oral surgery. We were up bright and early and dropped Caedmon off at Mimi’s to play before taking Husband to have his gums operated on. Everything went well and by 10:20, he was all done. And a little loopy from the anesthesia. On the way home, he asked me for something to drink about 4 times, picked up in the middle of a conversation we’d had the night before, and somehow thought that when we were at a red light, we’d stopped at a drive-thru. Obviously he was hungry.

I got Husband home and settled, then went to drop off some (more!) prescriptions from the oral surgeon and pick Caedmon up. Apparently Husband didn’t remember where I’d gone, because I got a text and a phone call with the basic theme of, “Where are you? I’m in pain.”

Once we got some vanilla pudding and pain medication into him, Husband took a nice, long nap. And since he refused to use ice packs on his face, it continued to swell until he began to look like Marlon Brando (his comparison, not mine.) By evening he was feeling better and we watched a movie. I was exhausted from having to get up twice a night to take Caedmon to pee, the early morning, and the stress of trying to keep an almost three-year-old away from his most favorite person in the world all day.

Meanwhile, we have moved Caedmon’s bedtime to about 8pm, and the extra thirty minutes are killing me, I tell you. Killing me.

Wednesday, Caedmon went to childcare for a while and I ran some errands, getting ready for the upcoming birthday party and the room makeover. I also started on Caedmon’s three-year-old t-shirt and watched a few of the 11 shows I currently DVR while I worked. (Go ahead, make fun of me. Husband does.)

Also, our A/C started acting up again and by the time I started fixing dinner, it was 77 degrees in our house. Which isn’t terrible, except that it was supposed to be 72. And then I burned something on the stove and had to open the back door and get the oscillating fan out of the attic to blow the smoke out of the house. The temperature then went up to 78.

It has not been my week.

I tried to finish fixing dinner, but I had to use a pan I wasn’t accustomed to using, and the soup I was trying to make would either boil or do nothing. And when you need a happy  medium called “simmer”, that makes things difficult. So when I saw that we were not going to be eating any time soon, we opted to just give up and go to Tropical Smoothie Cafe.

In the same week, I’ve fed my child corn dogs (yes, plural, because he eats them two at a time) for lunch and a chocolate/banana smoothie for dinner. *Parenting award over here.*

And then? Then the Heavens opened up and Rachel and Brendon were knocked out of the Veto competition first thing. Even as exhausted as I was, I literally jumped up off the couch, I was so excited. It’s the small things in life, really.

Thursday, Husband went to work. Caedmon and I stayed home, catching up on some chores and playing in the water. The pool we’ve had for two summers sprung a leak, and it was a sad, sad thing. I might be able to repair it with some Duck Tape (the repair substance of the gods), but we’ll see.

We also worked on an art project or two for Caedmon’s Big Boy Room. He was pretty excited. I was worn out by the time it was done, but it turned out great and I can’t wait to hang it on his wall.

Husband came home at lunchtime and we hung around the house. The A/C was still having a hard time, so one of HLB’s friends came over to see if he could help. Because my brother is cool like that…bossing his buddies around to come take care of us. Props to heat & air guys who work outside in the crazy temps to keep everyone else comfortable.

Anyhoo, since this post is eternally long and I’m just making it longer by still typing, I’ll just say that Thursday ended well. Brandon & Jill came to watch BB12 with us, and we were all ecstatic to see Rachel go home. I just hate that she made it all the way to the Jury House.

Today, Friday, we get to go to playgroup, and I’m looking forward to 1) wearing Caedmon out without wearing myself out, and 2) talking to other adult females.

Hopefully the weekend will bring some rest and more healing for Husband. I just want a nap.

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