Friday, August 27, 2010

Gift Certificate Winner

Congratulations to Gina (chosen by, on winning the $50 gift certificate giveaway from CSN Stores!

Gina is a real life friend, a loyal, long-time reader and I love her comments. Thanks for hanging around long enough to win something, Gina!

(Gina, please don’t stop reading now. Seriously…I mean, that would be like the kid who gets tagged “it” and quits playing. Not cool. Just buy your aforementioned kitchen gadgets and come back on Monday. You know you want to.)

Thanks to everyone who entered. Be sure to check out all the cool stuff over at CSN Stores…they have just about everything!

For rules and conditions, see the original giveaway post and/or my site terms and disclosure.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! :O) You know I'm here to stay.
    Thanks again. So excited to be a winner.
